Property Boom Support

Listing Website - Add News/Article

1. Firstly, log in your website, then, go to News, click Add New Button to create a news.


2. An interface will be displayed as the image below, you can fill into the major areas which include Tittle, Description, Image and Content. When completing, click Save Button, you've just created a news for your property website successfully.


3. After creating your news, to active it, just click Show/Hide Button.


After that, you can review your news which you've just added at View area.

4. For SEO, you can add some tags in your news. Just move to News Tags, create some tags you prefer in Tags Management and click Add button. (For example, my tags are "singapore property" and "forte suites")


Then, go back to your news, look at the Select Tags area, your tags you've added will be shown here. Just click to choose these tags and click Save button.


That's so easy, isn't it?
